Calamintha nepeta 'White Cloud' Spikes of small white flowers over mounds of mint-scented foliage.
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Caltha palustris var alba White form of marsh marigold. Single flowers with yellow centres over mound of round leaves.super clone rolex.
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Camassia quamash 'Orion' Deep violet-blue flowers in early summer. Summer dormant. Good for naturalising.copy rolex.
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Camassia quamash (syn esculenta) Rich, dark purple-blue flowers with bright yellow stamens. Borders or in rough grass.fake rolex.
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Campanula persicifolia 'Blue Bloomers' Large, double blue flowers on upright stems.replica watches.
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Campanula trachelium 'Bernice' Double, deep violet-blue flowers. Upright habit.
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Canna 'Tropicanna Black' Large, nearly black leaves. Scarlet flowers. Protest from frost.
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Canna 'Wyoming' Strong-growing with large, deep bronze-purple leaves and very large, vivid orange flowers.
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Canna indica 'Tropicanna Gold' Wide leaves striped with bands of green and gold. Brilliant yellow-orange flowers in summer. Protect from frost.
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Cardamine quinquefolia Pretty, bright pink flowers.orologi replica di lusso.
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Carex trifida ''Rekohu Sunrise'' Rosettes of creamy, yellow-edged, blue-green foliage. Long catkins on arching stems. Evergreen. Dislikes wet conditions.
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Catananche caerulea Known as Cupid's Dart. Branched sprays of large, dark-centred, lavender-blue daisies over grassy leaves. Flowers can be dried.
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Cautleya spicata Member of ginger family. Orange-yellow spikes with red bracts.
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Cenolophium denudatum Attractive deeply-cut foliage looks good all year. Sprays of tiny white flowers.
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Centaurea montana 'Grandiflora' Deep violet-blue cornflowers with purple centres. Deadhead for second flush of flowers.
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Cephalaria gigantea Giant scabious. Large, pale yellow flowers.
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Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Low-growing herbaceous perennial with spreading roots. Clusters of rich blue flowers. Leaves turn red or purple in autumn.
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Chelone obliqua Known as 'Turtle Head' due to shape of pink flowers.
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Chelone obliqua var alba Upright stems of large, white, hooded flowers.
Attractive to bees and butterflies.
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Chionodoxa forbesii 'Pink Giant' Pink, starry flowers with large white centre.
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Chrysanthemum 'Clara Curtis' Sprays of single, clear pink flowers.
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Chrysanthemum 'Mary Stoker' Sprays of soft apricot-yellow flowers.
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Chrysanthemum 'Nantyderry Sunshine' Sprays of small, bright yellow, semi pom-pom flowers. Easy.
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Chrysanthemum 'Chelsea Physic Garden' Upright, double, dusky orange-red flowers with bronze reverse.
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Cichorium intybus 'Roseum' Rose-pink flowers on tall stems in late summer.
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Cichorium intybus 'Roseum' Chicory. Tall stems with long branched spikes of rose-pink flowers over a long period. Middle or back of border.
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Cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum' Large, deep pink thistle heads Sun or part shade. Prefers some moisture.
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Claytonia sibirica f albiflora Pretty ground cover. New leaves are bronzed and glossy. White flowers.
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Claytonia virginica Pale pink flowers. Hardy, dwarf plant from North America.
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Convallaria majalis var rosea Pink lily-of-the-valley. Scented flowers. Easy.
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Coronilla emerus Medium shrub. Yellow pea flowers.
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Corydalis 'Tory MP' Bright blue flowers over ferny foliage. Easy and vigorous.
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Corydalis solida 'Beth Evans' Pink flowers over ferny, blue-grey foliage.
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Crocosmia 'Zeal Tan' Large, deep orange-red flowers over dark green leaves - later than most crocosmias.
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Crocosmia 'Norwich Canary' Rich, egg-yolk yellow buds opening to a brighter yellow inside. Large flowers.
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