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Our Plants - A to Z

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Acacia baileyana purpurea
Graceful evergreen shrub with fern-like, grey-green foliage, flushed purple. Golden yellow 'mimosa' flowers.
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 Acacia baileyana purpurea
Acanthus spinosus
Large, deeply lobed and spine-tipped, dark glossy green leaves. I get that Rolex Replica Watches is going after Haute Horlogerie brands.
 view details for Acanthus spinosus
 Acanthus spinosus
Achillea 'Terracotta'
Flat heads of terracotta flowers fading to cream.
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 Insect-friendly plant
 Achillea Terracotta
Aconitum napellus subsp. vulgare 'Albidum'
Dense spires of creamy white flowers.
 view details for Aconitum napellus subsp. vulgare Albidum
 Insect-friendly plant
 Aconitum napellus subsp. vulgare Albidum
Actaea simplex 'Black Negligee'
Dramatic, black foliage. Creamy-white bottlebrush flowers.hublot replica.
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 Insect-friendly plant
Actaea simplex 'Pink Spike'
Dramatic perennial. Scented bottlebrush-like flowers emerge pale pink and darken with age.
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 Insect-friendly plant
 Actaea simplex Pink Spike
Agapanthus 'Navy Blue'
Large, dark navy blue flowerheads. Dies replica uhren schweiz ist kein manuelles Guillochieren, sondern automatisiertes Drehen.
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 Agapanthus Navy Blue
Agapanthus 'Gayle's Lilac'
Lilac-blue flower heads, although small make a good display from many stems. Good in pots. Semi-evergreen. Compact.
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Agastache 'Firebird'
Grey-green, mint-scented leaves and dense spikes of tubular, soft orange flowers.
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 Insect-friendly plant
Agastache 'Blackadder'
Blue-black spikes over aromatic leaves. One of the hardiest agastaches.
 view details for Agastache Blackadder
 Insect-friendly plant
 Agastache Blackadder
Agastache rugosa 'Golden Jubilee'
Gold, aniseed scented leaves turning lime green later in summer. Fluffy lavender flowers. Bee friendly.
 view details for Agastache rugosa Golden Jubilee
 Insect-friendly plant
 Agastache rugosa Golden Jubilee
Ageratina altissima 'Chocolate'
Sprays of white flowers. Chocolate foliage.
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Ajuga reptans 'Braunherz'
Deep purple leaves. Deep blue flower spikes. Mat-forming evergreen.
 view details for Ajuga reptans Braunherz
 Insect-friendly plant
 Ajuga reptans Braunherz
Albuca glauca
Vigorous half-hardy bulb from South Africa. Greenish-white flower spikes over greyish leaves.
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 Albuca glauca
Albuca nelsonii
White scented replicas relojes baratos flowers from green tipped buds over glossy leaves.
 view details for Albuca nelsonii
 Albuca nelsonii
Albuca shawii
South African bulb. Scented, bell-shaped yellow flowers.
 view details for Albuca shawii
 Albuca shawii
Alcalthaea 'Parkallee'
Similar to hollyhocks but no rust! Lovely semi-double pale flowers with maroon stamens. Ora, non pensate repliche orologi che sia pressato o CNC. Il taglio effettivo è davvero fedele al processo guilloché originale.
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 Alcalthaea Parkallee
Alchemilla erythropoda
Pretty mini form of alchemilla mollis. Small, yellow-green flowers on reddish stems. Clump-forming.
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 RHS Award of Garden Merit
Allium 'Purple Rain'
Heads of rich, deep purple-violet, starry flowers like sparklers. Allium 'Purple Sensation' x cristophii.
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 Insect-friendly plant
 RHS Award of Garden Merit
 Allium Purple Rain
Allium albopilosum (syn cristophii)
Large heads of starry, silvery-lilac flowers on stocky stems. Long-lasting and excellent dried. Foliage dies down before flowering.
 view details for Allium albopilosum (syn cristophii)
 RHS Award of Garden Merit  Allium albopilosum (syn cristophii)
Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation'
Large round heads of deep purple flowers.
 view details for Allium hollandicum Purple Sensation
 Insect-friendly plant
 RHS Award of Garden Merit
 Allium hollandicum Purple Sensation
Allium stipitatum 'Violet Beauty'
Violet-purple flowers. Long lasting and excellent dried.replique rolex.
 view details for Allium stipitatum Violet Beauty
 RHS Award of Garden Merit  Allium stipitatum Violet Beauty
Alstroemeria 'Indian Summer'
Dark buds open to orange-red flowers from May onwards.
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 Alstroemeria Indian Summer
Alstroemeria psittacina 'Royal Star'
Branched clusters of dark red flowers over leaves with irregular cream edges. Massenproduktion replica uhren der besten gefälschten Rolex-Uhren im Jahr 2024 im Vergleich zu den höherwertigen Konkurrenten.
 view details for Alstroemeria psittacina Royal Star
 Alstroemeria psittacina Royal Star
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Amarcrinum memoria-corsii 'Howardii'
Amaryllis/Crinum hybrid. Clear pink, fragrant flowers. Frost hardy.
 view details for Amarcrinum memoria-corsii Howardii
Amarine tubergenii 'Zwanenburg'
Spectacular, trumpet-shaped, dusky pink flowers. Needs short dry dormancy in summer to flower.
 view details for Amarine tubergenii Zwanenburg
 Amarine tubergenii Zwanenburg
Amarine tubergenii 'Belladiva'
Amaryllis x nerine. Pink lily-like flowers.
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Amaryllis belladonna
Funnel-shaped, fragrant pink flowers on each stem open before leaves appear.
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 RHS Award of Garden Merit
Amorphophallus konjac
Voodoo lily. Exotic looking bulbous perennial. Reddish-purple spathe with dark brown spadix followed by large spotted leaves.
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Anemone 'Wild Swan'
White flowers with blue bands on reverse over a long period.
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 Anemone Wild Swan
Anemone blanda 'White Splendour'
Known as the Winter Windflower. Large, pure white flowers. Folglich werden replica uhren diese Handwerke industrialisiert.
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 RHS Award of Garden Merit  Anemone blanda White Splendour
Anemone blanda Blue Shades
Hardy, herbaceous perennial. Delicate blue flowers.
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 Anemone blanda Blue Shades
Anemone blanda var. rosea 'Pink Star'
Large, bright purple-pink starry flowers. Ideal for rockeries and naturalising in grass.
 view details for Anemone blanda var. rosea Pink Star
 Anemone blanda var. rosea Pink Star
Anemone multifida 'Rubra'
Rich rose-coloured, buttercup-like flowers with yellow stamens over ferny foliage.
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 Anemone multifida Rubra
Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'
Pure white, saucer-shaped flowers with yellow stamens. 2,051 / 5,000 Je déteste dire ça, mais replique montre le cadran de la nouvelle 1908 est un peu ostentatoire à mon goût. Est-ce que replique rolex me court toujours après ?.
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 RHS Award of Garden Merit  Anemone x hybrida Honorine Jobert
Angelica sylvestris 'Ebony'
Architectural umbellifer. Almost black, finely cut leaves. Sprays of pink flowers. Usually grown as a biennial. Collect seed.
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 Insect-friendly plant
 Angelica sylvestris Ebony
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Anisodontea 'El Rayo'
Sub-shrub from South Africa. Large, pink, hibiscus-shaped flowers with darker centres. Often flowers all year round!replicas de relojes.
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 Insect-friendly plant
 Anisodontea El Rayo
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Ruby Port'
Fully double, deep maroon, nodding flowers on upright stems.
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 Insect-friendly plant
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Black Barlow'
Double, upright purple-black flowers.
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 Insect-friendly plant
Arthropodium candidum 'Maculatum'
Bulbous perennial from New Zealand. Speckled brown foliage. Tiny white flowers. Good in pots.
 view details for Arthropodium candidum Maculatum
 Arthropodium candidum Maculatum
Arthropodium candidum 'Little Lilia'
Tufted, white edged foliage. Short heads of starry white flowers. Protect from hard frosts. Tuttavia, orologi replica non si ottiene affatto quella sensazione di lavoro manuale leggermente imperfetta rolex replica e quindi piena di sentimento.
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 Arthropodium candidum Little Lilia
Arthropodium cirratum
New Zealand perennial. Starry, white flowers. Drought-resistant.
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Aruncus 'Horatio'
Cream plumes on bronze stems over attractive, divided green-gold foliage.
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Asclepias tuberosa
Unusual flower heads of brilliant orange. Attractive to butterflies and bees.
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 Insect-friendly plant
Asphodeline lutea
Fragrant, yellow, star-shaped flowers on upright spikes. Evergreen leaves.
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Aster 'Little Carlow'
Masses of bright blue daisies in large sprays.
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 Insect-friendly plant
 RHS Award of Garden Merit
 Aster Little Carlow
Aster 'Vasterival'
Masses of delicate heads of pale lilac-pink daisies on dark stems.
 view details for Aster Vasterival
 Insect-friendly plant
 Aster Vasterival
Aster ageratoides 'Asran'
Masses of lavender-blue daisies with yellow eyes Bushy, upright form. Easy and reliable.
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 Insect-friendly plant
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Aster frikartii 'Monch'
Sprays of large, long-lasting, lavender-blue flowers with yellow centres. No staking or mildew.
 view details for Aster frikartii Monch
 Insect-friendly plant
 RHS Award of Garden Merit
 Aster frikartii Monch
Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome'
Compact variety. Violet-purple flowers with yellow centres.
 view details for Aster novae-angliae Purple Dome
 Insect-friendly plant
 Aster novae-angliae Purple Dome
Aster novae-angliae 'Roter Stern'
Purple-pink flowers. Low maintenance perennial for back of border.
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 Insect-friendly plant
Aster novi-belgii 'Marie Ballard'
Sprays of large, clear lavender-blue, double flowerheads.
 view details for Aster novi-belgii Marie Ballard
 Aster novi-belgii Marie Ballard
Aster pyrenaeus 'Lutetia'
Loose mounds on graceful wiry stems smothered in large, pale lilac-blue daisies. Flowers last for weeks in the garden.
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Astilbe 'Sprite'
Dwarf variety. Graceful branching sprays of delicate shell-pink flowers.
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 RHS Award of Garden Merit
Astrantia 'Gill Richardson'
Attractive, dark red flowers. Clump-forming. Wildlife friendly.
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 Insect-friendly plant
 Astrantia Gill Richardson
Astrantia major 'Penny's Pink'
Rich pink flowers surrounded by paler bracts with deeper pink veins. Free-flowering.
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 Insect-friendly plant


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